
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What is new


I looked at the last blog and was shocked to realise that it was 2 months ago since I blogged.

Lots of water has gone under the bridge, I have visted foreign countries, if some only the airport and have spent time with family, long overdue.

We started our travel adventure in the late afternoon and arrived at the final stop the next day after lunch and after checking in went for a stroll. It is a must to travel and learn about other countries and their history.

Sometimes it is good to leave the ruins of old buildings to remind people what was and so hopefully make people appreciate what they have.

Yes I went to the Ferrari Gallery, yes a gallery not a museum and had a great time, a definte must for a petrolhead and people who appreciate the Italian way of expression. Works of art, the cars and engines, always thought of the cars as works of art.

Venice, the place of canals, a definite must, winter the better time to visit, not so crowded and you must loose yourself in Venice, do not follow the tourist route, find the real heart of Venice, meet the locals, a great experience.

Florence, yes the city of art, the buildings, the art work, sculpture's, an amazing place. Be prepared to walk, full days and even after a week, you still realise you have not covered it all.
Did get a leather belt, Florence is know for their leather.

Rome, the main train terminal and then to the airport on the Leonardo Express, coffie and eats, and chocolates, must finish the Euro's.

Back to Dubai, more coffie and another wait, took a stroll around the airport, nice place to hang out in as far as airports go.

Back home, sigh, good to be back, the last new happening is my mother inlaws "new" wheels, the fun ahead to do the paperwork and roadworthy and the interaction with the local municipalaties. Interesting times ahead, gratefull for the experiences had this last year.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Take Control - Get an Attitude

Just over a month since I last blogged. Time does fly.

Plenty has happened since last month. Mostly nothing new with regards people and their value system. Gareth the 5FM person who wrote a letter to the government told the truth, but once again us people who have the access to technology read and agree and wonder who is going to take on the wrongs commited by the people committing them.

As individuals when we look at people committing wrongs, yes those people in your community, those people you see in your wake do you point and grumble or do you wonder if you have the right to point and grumble.

The bible tells us not to judge others, oh yes, take the thick piece of wood out of your eye before you try and take out the splinter in the other person eye.

LeadSA has the right idea, I just hope that everybody in South Africa is prepared to give and receive and with the attitude of how can I make a difference, a great future is in the making.

I am hoping that the mindset or should I say atmosphere of it is my turn now, give, give and give some more, it is my right to be helped, will change, if not then LeadSA and other iniatitives will only influence a few that want to empower themselves and get an attitude of I can make a difference, lets do it.

We are capable of putting this country on the map as a country with people of honour, integrity, respect and belief in each others abilities to make South Africa a community of united people with an attitude of together we can.

So the challenge is, start having a zero tolerance attitude with yourself and people you can influence. Start treating others with respect, honesty and compassion. Start abiding by the laws of the country, yes I can imagine you will feel alone, but with perseverance, passion and stickitivity you can make a difference in your part of the country.

The most testing I believe will be speeding, yes speeding. I have being trying to get used to having people trying to get into my boot or try and squeeze past me, sometimes forcing me of the road, I am not only talking about the taxis, I am talking about every kind of vehicle on our roads.

When last did you try driving the speed limit and not have a motorist get annoyed with you?

Just recently I heard a person explain that they were in the left lane and had speeded up in a sixty zone as they felt pressured to go faster and got a fine. They were most annoyed as the vehicle that was behind them and who they felt had pushed them to drive faster did not get pulled over.

I felt for the person as I have been in situations like that quiet frequently the last few years, especially on Friday or Sunday afternoons when people are leaving for weekends away or returning. and push me to go faster, flash lights and expect me to get out of the way.

Show respect be honest, be wise and manage your time, be real and you will influence people and make a difference.
Take control, get an attitude, lead by example and have a zero tolerance approach to people who do wrong.

Friday, September 17, 2010

People Value - Systems

It is of interest that when I read the letters section in the car magazine that it is always the individuals responsibility when something goes wrong not the dealer or car manufacturer is at fault.

Recently I read about a ex mechanic for a vehicle brand that had trained on fixing this particular brand and had worked on his own car, even though still under warranty and then when trying to raise the point that the fault could be quality of materials, the manufacturer attitude was, you should not have fixed your car, you should have brought it to the dealership and if they found it was a fault they would have repaired it under the warranty. Note if they found it to be a fault they would have repaired it, but if they thought you were at fault you would be billed.

No mention was made about the fact that the person was trained by the manufacturer, had plenty years of experience to repair his own car and they simple ignored the fact that there may be a fault on the spceific vehicle he was driving or that the materials were inferior.

Once again another reader wrote about a manufacturer, dealer that just was not interested in his vehicle problems, was also just brushed of by the manufacturer or dealership.

The point that the individuals where pointing out possible faults, warning the public to be aware was brushed of by the manufacturers implying that the individuals had actually being responsible for the faults.

I reached this conclusion as the manufacturer/ dealership people always refer to warranties and the fact that if their dealership did not address the problem and you out of frustration took the product to a private non dealership it was out of their hands and your problem.

It has just confirmed that the actual products sold in this country are not actually at fault but the material used is not to specification or the required standard, people used to service and repair are actually not fully trained as organisations are only interested in generating money.

Once again the respect of each other and products we supply and service comes into question.
We look at the way motorists drive and treat each other and shake our heads, no respect for each other on the road, when we start to look at other issues we see that respect no longer applies in other areas of our lives and with it integrity, honesty, have all being replaced with status and the ability to shift responsibility onto others.

LeadSA is asking us to put values back into the way we operate, they have a point as the only way change happens is with us as individuals, so as LeadSA wants us to lead by example, lets start with our value system, show respect for each other, show honesty, show integrity in everything we do, everything, no more "white" lies, no more hiding behind warranties, no more passing off problems to individuals and no more attitude of do not take it personally, just business.

If we can change our values, our mindset, then manufacturers, dealerships, organisations, business's will realise that at the end of the day, people need to deal with people and stop hiding behind systems and justifying systems as it is not all about status and things we have accumulated, it is about respect and values for each other.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Democracy - Really a Reality

Could not help but take time to comment on what is happening at the moment in the world and mainly in South Africa.

North Korea soccer team did well I thought to be able to come and play in the soccer world cup, but the leaders felt that they had disgraced North Korea and hence appropiate action/punishment needs to be delt out. They are not a democracy and the world can see it.

In South Africa the opposite, the nation was united in "geese" and proud to be called a nation of unity. Then once the hipe was over the reality was once again evident.

In South Africa the ANC led government and their apparent corruption, tender issues and that if you belong to the ANC and have being discriminated against over the last 300 years it is okay to now collect on what your previous forefathers missed out on and as long as you have the right connections you are above reproach.

The fact that the now advantaged because of the ruling ANC led government have being reaping rewards since the 1994 democratic elections and haved failed (no excuses, have heard them all), to deliver to the very people they claimed to have fought for their freedom is why? The ANC led governmnet during the Mandela reign where putting people in place that could, once Mandela was no longer in power, take forward and implement their full blown plans, that is, firstly clearing out the government offices of people they did not believe were deamed fit to work in a ANC led government, then making sure the people, their people are put into place to take control, very quietly mind you. The passing of legislation that is left dormant until the ANC led government needs to use it. In fact if the government or the connected currently priveliged are exposed in the media and the ANC led government realise they have not the legislation in place they take steps to put new legislation in place.

Yes the laws are passed in parliamant. But that is it, the opposition parties can object all they like, the ANC led government has the majority and so the legislation goes through, rather speedily if it is to the benefit of the ANC led government.

From my view point and being made aware because of the current freedom of press, the ANC led government decides what to do, most probably got a list they are working from that was drawn up while they were fighting for "freedom" in those "western and eastern " countries that are now accused of raping Africa of its minerals etc.

To give some positive hope amongst all the above, as far as I am aware, only two organisations that were working well in the government led ANC were the Scorpions and SARS.

Then a famous ANC member from the past in a high position is exposed by the Scorpions.
What happened, the disband of the scorpions, why, because they showed up all the criminals, not just the one's outside of the ANC led government or ANC party and its currently advantaged people of all races. So it had to go, and it went.

SARS has not being disbanded as it is collecting monies for the government coffers, very efficiently I must admit if you are a law abiding citizen and if not, be aware, action plans to catch citizens that are not paying are in place. Not sure if the action plans in place are to catch SARS offenders that include the ruling party members and their connections.

The picture is that the ANC led government is controlled by the ANC party that fought for POWER, not Freedom and to gain acceptance they are masquarading a democracy, look below the covers and you soon realise that it is so. Why the masquarade, well they need the investment from the east, west and the business's people who they need to run the country so as to stay in power.

The majority of South Africans, who it appears have been and are currently being brainwashed into believing that the government has not delivered is because of the small minority who control the finances of the country need to wake up. We are in a modern global world and to survive, need to take responsibility for the country of our birth as well as taking the current government to task for not delivering on promises, but delivering on excuses and making sure millions are spent on discimimating against the opposition parties and the minority.

The sad thing is that the ANC led government is supported by the ANC party whose majority of people actually believed in a South Africa for all, it is the minority I believe that want power. The Communist and labour union that form part of the governmnet have shown that the minority in their ranks are in bed with the minority of the ANC led party and they control the country we live in.

So is democracy a reality in the world, well only if the people in countries with the processes in place stay informed and vote with their heads and not their loyality to a party will democracy become a reality, especially in South Africa.

In closing one of the the ANC party members remarked, I believe it was Mr. Zuma that they will be in power till Jesus comes back, Mr Zuma, it may be sooner than you realise and what a horrifying moment that it will be for some that do not believe in the coming of Jesus and what a moment of awe for those that believe in the coming of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Violence - no end

Just come though a long week after finding out that my best friend's son and brother were arrested by the police and assaulted and then, when they arrived at the police station and asked the police for their names and badge numbers, the older brother was assaulted again and the rest of the police appeared to look the other way and after not been able to charge them, they were asked to leave.

According to the police procedure book, if somebody is hurt, the police have to call for medical help, not ask the people they have hurt to leave. Yes I was under the impression that the police are to serve the citizens of a country, not assault them.

Well because of networking, this assault reached the ears of the media and the main police chief who strongly condemned what had happened urged that a charge be laid against the police.

Well the charge has been laid last I was aware, the doctor still needs to be visited to make sure that the injuries will have no long term effect on his health.

Will violence ever stop, if citizens have no respect, the police have no respect and believe they are the law and beyond it, the question to be asked, will violence ever end in society.

People need to know that they are unique and special, all created in God's image but unique , all have our personalities, likes, dislikes, and gifts that were given to us to glorify God.

Until we realise that we are part of a bigger picture and that we need to respect each other for who we are and our cultures and views, then I believe violence in society will end.

We need to realise that we must love one another, that is the greatest command in the bible, once we do, harmony will come about and we will all be set free to make a better society for us all.

Fathers Day - 20th June

Hear, hear for all the fathers in the world.

Are we celebrating the fact that fathers are special or is it another special time been commercialised?

Some fathers do not even know that they are fathers, a shame and yet some are not interested in their children, even more sad.

The bible says that we are all created by a creator, God, who when you read His word we see that He gave His son Jesus because He loves us all, it explains through His love that He is our father, the father of creation.

I am running behind on my blog, but felt it was important that we acknowledge fathers, they are special, created in God's image and also need to be loved, pampered and told they are special, as well as been reminded that the father of creation loves them and they are the beacon to the families they lead, just as God is the light to those who chose to follow Him and believe He is the father of creation.

I read on facebook a daughters love for her father "

In happiness, in sorrow
You were always there for me
I may not have always said it
But, it's the day to say it loud.
'I Love You Dad "

The fathers response to his daughter

"thanks my Girl,will always be there for you while God allows me to be.Because of your love its easy to love you to.If you sow love guess what you reap?Love and miss you stacks Have a great time"

Yep that somes it up, love holds a family together, just as obedience and leadership and encouragement does, Love the most important.

All you fathers out their, young and old, the day 20th June is a celebration to you all, and to God, the father of all creation, everyday is a fathers day.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Soccer World Cup 2010 - South Africa

The WC2010 has arrived in Africa, =================<() Paaaarrpp...

What an awesome moment with the celebrations and the national pride of South Africans.
I thought a second about the rainbow nation statement of 1994, then realised that it is over,in the past, the reality for the future is people respecting each other, showing humilty and love.
We are each unique , created in God's image for His purposes.
Without God man seams to start out meaning well, but then the elements of mans desires take over, man feed's the flesh, and before you know it man is justifying his actions and when on the outside looking in all we see is greed.
Yes even with checks in place, people justify there actions.

A pray I thought is that as the world unites for sport, so the people of God will unite together to show that in God all things are possible and when serving God and ultimately people we find a freddom beyond our wildest dreams. Some times we do not get what we desire as God knows what is best for us.

So all you South Africans, learn the Anthem and lets unite Africa for God from the southern tip to the north. The anthem of the southern tip of Africa is a hym, compiled over a hundred years ago.

We all who claim to be born again Christians, take a moment or a day to make sure you are doing what God created you to be doing, serving people with the gifts He gave you and not serving your own selfish needs.

Our father, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in my life and fellow Christians unite, Thy will be done in Africa and the world. Amen.

Friday, June 4, 2010

In God We Trust

I have been reminded that we can only trust in God. He is our only hope and when we are feeling marooned and our wind has been knocked out by events or circumstances, He is the way forward.

It is time I start putting all my energies into God and take to heart, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in all area's of my life.

Talk is cheap, action is what is needed. It is no good just having faith without action.
We can set goals after goals, have ideas and bright bulb moments, but if we do not action the goals, or bright ideas we are no better than we were.

Yes, it is a step in the right direction to brainstorm and set goals, but if you go no further, you are setting goals to go no further and when you look again you realise why they say that in a graveyard, so many unfufilled dreams and so many bright ideas that were never realised, because no action was taken.

We are creatures of habit, we need love, friends and to be told we are special and make a difference. So from know on I intend to be the difference in people's lives that makes them set goals and action them as well as actioning the bright idea moments.

God did not create rubbish, He sent His son Jesus Christ because He loves us all and that we can furfill the purpose we were created for by the King.

It is up to us, as individuals to decide, do we serve the King of Kings or do we serve our wants and needs. After all, God does know our wants and needs, but the difference is, He knows what is best for us, as He knows the whole picture, while we only see our picture in which we are in.

Faith, action, obedience and God's way, will show you the bigger picture, more exciting, more experiences to have, and all for God's glory and our purpose to be furfilled, the reason we were created.

In God We Trust, there is no other option really.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Flu and cold

I went down with the flu in the cold.
It is that time of year and before I new it I was down with the flu.
I had a runny nose and a husky voice and started the fusions, but the next day I was out, drained of energy and pap.
My bokkie (SA - Babe, Love of life...)looked a bit worried. I was told to stay in bed and yes I did.
The next day was slightly better and was allowed to get up halfway through the day and sit in another room.
My mother in law when phoning asked if I had stayed in bed, when I answered no, was speechless.
The weather has being cold and if we had a fireplace,I am sure we would have snuggled up and watched movies. I was however alone with the woofs, I hauled out the guitar, classic Yamaha and started making music, eina my fingers started to hurt after an hour, so decided to give it a rest.
I then realised the power was back and needed an outing, to the post office I went, no power for 2 hours, Eskom again. When I got back from my outing my nose started running, I blew it and decided to sit back and relax while waiting for my Bokkie to come back from Cape Town.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Same Challenges

Another glorious sunny day in South Africa. The Western Cape Province in the farmland is the area to be in. The fields and hills are green with the winter rains and everything in nature is alive.
If only people would do as God asked. Love one another as you love yourself, the moment would be complete.
I have had to many days feeling much sorrow for people in this awesome country, South Africa. Why so much racism and hatred in such a beautiful country which has so much for everyone.

The challenges are their, but life is a challenge and that makes it so worthwhile to live, to get the buzz of excitement especially when you are fulfulling the role you were created for by almight God.
The challenges for South Africa, Africa are still the same, racism, hatred, poverty, no self respect. What is needed to change this. I propose that God's love, foremost and that people get back their respect for themselves, culture and stop asking for handouts. Learn to take care of yourself, look around see a need, a opportunity and make a plan to get your respect and dignity back.

Sounds simple, but in truth it is, if only people would take a second to stop and then reflect and be brutally honest with themselves these challenges can be overcome.
It is up to the individual with God as his light forward.

So look at your neighbour, people in the street, smile, greet and show respect and if you want, pray.
Yes, their is the have's and have not's, but it is a worldwide thing, not just in South Africa and Africa.

People you as an individual can make a difference, you can, we are afterall created in God's image.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rain Rain - How awesome the rain is

It has been raining, still is for the past week here in the country area of the Swartland.
The garden is green, the fields are looking alive, the countryside is awakening as the rain falls and revives the soil.

The rain remindes me of the love of God, when he rains down His love we can only but be revived and ready to take on the world.

Just like the rain, everything starts to grow, not just what we want but the stuff we don't want, referred to as weeds, actually some weeds belong in this area but the municipality does not appreciate letting the weeds grow.

Times like this that I want to be living in the country side not in a town or suburbe and enjoy the green vegetation that surrounds.

As God's love rains down we can absorb it or just ignore it and carry on living our own lives wondering now and again why our lives are so empty and brown.

The rain reminds me of new life, new opportunities, like lets try the vegetable garden again and see what else we can grow, lets follow God's command and love God, so as to leran from God how to love our neighbours, friends, strangers and appreciate life

So enjoy your surroundings, run in the rain, dance in the rain appreciate the new life growing around you and love God the creator of it all.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Freedom Day - Start or Review - A Free Life

South Africa needs to realise that the only freedom they can have is in Jesus Christ.
We should spend time looking at our goals and noting if they are in line with what God has wants for us.

Do you know how you are wired, that is what you like to do and expect from life, why you are on earth?

When we find the purpose, why we believe we are on earth, we are on the way, even better when God is in the picture.

I am planning to review my goals, my priorities, where I am, am I focused on God, the life I am living , opportunities and realising the abilities God has given me to look at the way forward to a life of more freedom.

The way is forward, the past is behind and the mistakes are to be learned from.
More of God and less of my wants, more freedom, I believe that when I realise that life is about Love, relationships, people then I will have more freedom.
Freedom that it is not about me, but about people, God's people.

God is good, loving, patient and forgiven.

The way forward to freeedom is in living the life God created me for, so a time of reflection, forgiveness, love and time with God.

Freedom comes when you understand you are made in God's image but that you realise it in your heart then you can be free.

Friday, April 23, 2010

South Africa - Needs Respect & Discipline

Walking the streets near and in Greenmarket Square yesterday I realised as I have before that people need to respect each other and they need discipline, boundaries, and love.
Looking at our leaders, elders as examples we are expected to look up to, it is obvious there is no respect for each other or any discipline in our society.
If people had respect, they would do their jobs to the best ability, they would try to understand each others cultures, they would want the best for all.
Sadly my impression is that it is about I, not us and we, and respect and discipline belong's to the past.
I suspect that with respect and discipline, common sense has also been thrown out.

Germany as a nation after World War II united together, respected each other, recognised boundaries and discipline and took 10 years after the war to become an economic powerhouse.

Looking from the side lines, it is a great concern that we are not united as a nation and that leaders and people seem to be determined not to have a united nation.
All races are determined to preserve their own culture and heritage, not realising that working togther as a united nation we can preserve each others culture and heritage, we need to look to the future and not the past.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Goings on in Swartland

My 2nd day in the Swartland office.
Yesterday was spent re-arranging the study space, utilising space more efficiently and must say looks better.
Today I must catch up on typing for the consumer website Thumzup as we will be re launching the site with better options for people to add experiences and google adverts to generate some revenue.
It is an adjustment to be working in the Swartland, quiet and peaceful, and I must discipline myself to work and not spend all the time surfing.