
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Same Challenges

Another glorious sunny day in South Africa. The Western Cape Province in the farmland is the area to be in. The fields and hills are green with the winter rains and everything in nature is alive.
If only people would do as God asked. Love one another as you love yourself, the moment would be complete.
I have had to many days feeling much sorrow for people in this awesome country, South Africa. Why so much racism and hatred in such a beautiful country which has so much for everyone.

The challenges are their, but life is a challenge and that makes it so worthwhile to live, to get the buzz of excitement especially when you are fulfulling the role you were created for by almight God.
The challenges for South Africa, Africa are still the same, racism, hatred, poverty, no self respect. What is needed to change this. I propose that God's love, foremost and that people get back their respect for themselves, culture and stop asking for handouts. Learn to take care of yourself, look around see a need, a opportunity and make a plan to get your respect and dignity back.

Sounds simple, but in truth it is, if only people would take a second to stop and then reflect and be brutally honest with themselves these challenges can be overcome.
It is up to the individual with God as his light forward.

So look at your neighbour, people in the street, smile, greet and show respect and if you want, pray.
Yes, their is the have's and have not's, but it is a worldwide thing, not just in South Africa and Africa.

People you as an individual can make a difference, you can, we are afterall created in God's image.

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