
Friday, June 4, 2010

In God We Trust

I have been reminded that we can only trust in God. He is our only hope and when we are feeling marooned and our wind has been knocked out by events or circumstances, He is the way forward.

It is time I start putting all my energies into God and take to heart, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in all area's of my life.

Talk is cheap, action is what is needed. It is no good just having faith without action.
We can set goals after goals, have ideas and bright bulb moments, but if we do not action the goals, or bright ideas we are no better than we were.

Yes, it is a step in the right direction to brainstorm and set goals, but if you go no further, you are setting goals to go no further and when you look again you realise why they say that in a graveyard, so many unfufilled dreams and so many bright ideas that were never realised, because no action was taken.

We are creatures of habit, we need love, friends and to be told we are special and make a difference. So from know on I intend to be the difference in people's lives that makes them set goals and action them as well as actioning the bright idea moments.

God did not create rubbish, He sent His son Jesus Christ because He loves us all and that we can furfill the purpose we were created for by the King.

It is up to us, as individuals to decide, do we serve the King of Kings or do we serve our wants and needs. After all, God does know our wants and needs, but the difference is, He knows what is best for us, as He knows the whole picture, while we only see our picture in which we are in.

Faith, action, obedience and God's way, will show you the bigger picture, more exciting, more experiences to have, and all for God's glory and our purpose to be furfilled, the reason we were created.

In God We Trust, there is no other option really.

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