
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Take Control - Get an Attitude

Just over a month since I last blogged. Time does fly.

Plenty has happened since last month. Mostly nothing new with regards people and their value system. Gareth the 5FM person who wrote a letter to the government told the truth, but once again us people who have the access to technology read and agree and wonder who is going to take on the wrongs commited by the people committing them.

As individuals when we look at people committing wrongs, yes those people in your community, those people you see in your wake do you point and grumble or do you wonder if you have the right to point and grumble.

The bible tells us not to judge others, oh yes, take the thick piece of wood out of your eye before you try and take out the splinter in the other person eye.

LeadSA has the right idea, I just hope that everybody in South Africa is prepared to give and receive and with the attitude of how can I make a difference, a great future is in the making.

I am hoping that the mindset or should I say atmosphere of it is my turn now, give, give and give some more, it is my right to be helped, will change, if not then LeadSA and other iniatitives will only influence a few that want to empower themselves and get an attitude of I can make a difference, lets do it.

We are capable of putting this country on the map as a country with people of honour, integrity, respect and belief in each others abilities to make South Africa a community of united people with an attitude of together we can.

So the challenge is, start having a zero tolerance attitude with yourself and people you can influence. Start treating others with respect, honesty and compassion. Start abiding by the laws of the country, yes I can imagine you will feel alone, but with perseverance, passion and stickitivity you can make a difference in your part of the country.

The most testing I believe will be speeding, yes speeding. I have being trying to get used to having people trying to get into my boot or try and squeeze past me, sometimes forcing me of the road, I am not only talking about the taxis, I am talking about every kind of vehicle on our roads.

When last did you try driving the speed limit and not have a motorist get annoyed with you?

Just recently I heard a person explain that they were in the left lane and had speeded up in a sixty zone as they felt pressured to go faster and got a fine. They were most annoyed as the vehicle that was behind them and who they felt had pushed them to drive faster did not get pulled over.

I felt for the person as I have been in situations like that quiet frequently the last few years, especially on Friday or Sunday afternoons when people are leaving for weekends away or returning. and push me to go faster, flash lights and expect me to get out of the way.

Show respect be honest, be wise and manage your time, be real and you will influence people and make a difference.
Take control, get an attitude, lead by example and have a zero tolerance approach to people who do wrong.

1 comment:

  1. good point about the speeding... just remember the law says to move out of the way of those speeding cars... don't try to be the policeman! Let them get the fine if necessary.
    Nothing is more annoying than someone puttering down the road when you need to get past.
    (actually, lots of things are more annoying, but puttering people is near the top of the list)
