
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Violence - no end

Just come though a long week after finding out that my best friend's son and brother were arrested by the police and assaulted and then, when they arrived at the police station and asked the police for their names and badge numbers, the older brother was assaulted again and the rest of the police appeared to look the other way and after not been able to charge them, they were asked to leave.

According to the police procedure book, if somebody is hurt, the police have to call for medical help, not ask the people they have hurt to leave. Yes I was under the impression that the police are to serve the citizens of a country, not assault them.

Well because of networking, this assault reached the ears of the media and the main police chief who strongly condemned what had happened urged that a charge be laid against the police.

Well the charge has been laid last I was aware, the doctor still needs to be visited to make sure that the injuries will have no long term effect on his health.

Will violence ever stop, if citizens have no respect, the police have no respect and believe they are the law and beyond it, the question to be asked, will violence ever end in society.

People need to know that they are unique and special, all created in God's image but unique , all have our personalities, likes, dislikes, and gifts that were given to us to glorify God.

Until we realise that we are part of a bigger picture and that we need to respect each other for who we are and our cultures and views, then I believe violence in society will end.

We need to realise that we must love one another, that is the greatest command in the bible, once we do, harmony will come about and we will all be set free to make a better society for us all.

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