
Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Soccer World Cup 2010 - South Africa

The WC2010 has arrived in Africa, =================<() Paaaarrpp...

What an awesome moment with the celebrations and the national pride of South Africans.
I thought a second about the rainbow nation statement of 1994, then realised that it is over,in the past, the reality for the future is people respecting each other, showing humilty and love.
We are each unique , created in God's image for His purposes.
Without God man seams to start out meaning well, but then the elements of mans desires take over, man feed's the flesh, and before you know it man is justifying his actions and when on the outside looking in all we see is greed.
Yes even with checks in place, people justify there actions.

A pray I thought is that as the world unites for sport, so the people of God will unite together to show that in God all things are possible and when serving God and ultimately people we find a freddom beyond our wildest dreams. Some times we do not get what we desire as God knows what is best for us.

So all you South Africans, learn the Anthem and lets unite Africa for God from the southern tip to the north. The anthem of the southern tip of Africa is a hym, compiled over a hundred years ago.

We all who claim to be born again Christians, take a moment or a day to make sure you are doing what God created you to be doing, serving people with the gifts He gave you and not serving your own selfish needs.

Our father, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in my life and fellow Christians unite, Thy will be done in Africa and the world. Amen.

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