
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Update of Trip back from Durban to Moorreesburg

Shocked realiasation that I was last on this forum in March when in Durban.
I had mentioned that I would give feedback on the Durban trip and the car used, well late but some feedback.


We decided due to the roadworks we encountered on the way to Durban that we would use the N3 and go via Harrismith, Ficksburg back to Cape Town.

All was well on the N3 until we left via Harrismith then onto Bethlehem. All seemed good and looked like a relaxed drive ahead as we passed through. The first roadworks we encountered was on route to Ficksburg, and then the nightmare experience that took very long time to get through was experienced.  When we were not waiting at the roadworks we were crawling around huge pot holes that seemed to ingulf the whole road. Finally just nearing Zastron we seemed to be through the worst of it. I was glad to be through and also reminded myself that the roads were being worked on and that that was a good thing.
We overnighted in Hanover at the hotel and we were treated to a lovely country meal with desert. The owners were ex Hermanus people who decided to move inland. We were up early the next morning and continued our way to Cape Town on the N1 roadworks in progress most of the way.
We had breakfast in Laingsburg at a family run restaurant just next to the Engen garage where we reflected on the journey so far hoping that the next process would be smoother.
We arrived home in Moorreesburg later that night after leaving the N1 after the Du Toits Kloof pass and passing through Paarl, Wolsley, Riebeek and finally home. Glad the trip was over.


We used a Volvo C30 D2, we believe the first diesel C30 to be sold in South Africa for this trip. Well that is what the Volvo dealer at Tygervalley told us when we collected the car. We found the ride to be great and secure, now and again a bit hard, but then again this is supposed to be for use in the city and surrounds.
The huge potholes in the Free State were very nerve wracking and when we stopped at Colesburg for Diesel, I looked at the tyres and rims and all seemed good. When we stopped for breakfast in Laingsburg I had a closer look in the day light and all seemed 100%, tyres good, rims good and bodywork good.

We eeked out 700 kilometer a tank. We left Moorreesburg on a full tank we filled up next in Port Elizabeth having done over 700 kilometers. At the next fill ups we resolved to fill up when on 1/4 tank as running tank nearly empty not really a good idea.

The cruise control was really great enabling us to keep to the various speed limits, in some places were were not sure and cruised at 100 km (Open road) just to be on the safe side. The seating was comfortable and the boot big enough for our meduim bag as well as our laptop, netbook and on the move bags which contained snacks and drinks for the road.

The main reason for investing in a Volvo was for the safety and reliability we had heard of through the years. When Lynne first saw the C30 when it first came to our shores, Lynne had decided that was her next car and so was very pleased that she could secure her dream car and know that it was not just a cool design but also a safe and reliable car.

More next time on my thoughts and what has happened since our Durban trip.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Where is the year going


Yes I last blogged in January and now find myself in Durban, just of Umbilo road listening in on a social media course, currently discussing twitter, blogging and face book. You tube and the other many social media sites have already been mentioned.
Lynne is now concentrating and Blogging and why you should blog and how to use it for branding and other options.

The course is being run in Nikki's beautiful home which overlooks the harbour and at the moment a lovely cool breeze is blowing through the open doors. The home is a renovation in progress and Nikki has been at it for 18 months and looks great. Has 2 floors, with a big swimming pool and water feature that puts you to sleep at night with the sound of the running water.

We are here for a short while and then will be doing the road trip back to home, it takes about 2 days and hope to have a less frustrating drive back.

More next time about the road trip to Durban and the trip back, may even give my take on the car we are using for the road trip as it is billed as a city car by the manufacturers.



Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Resolutions

Have not blogged in months, so have decided to actively become part of the global social media and time permitting keep people updated with my latest thought on life and the world.

Have always not paid much attention to new year resolutions as by the end of the month most of us have forgotten them and are back at work and busy with life.

I have decided that this year I am going to set myself goals and attain them.

- Do everything in prayer
- Keep informed about what is going on in the world
- Sort out priorities
- Live a meaningful life
- Love everything in God's creation
- Remember to be thank full and grateful for friends, family and people I encounter on my journey through time.
- Make a difference.

Quite a list of goals, I believe that if I priorities the do everything in prayer and love everything in God's creation the rest will fall into place and my attitude and outlook will be positive knowing that what I do reflects in eternity.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Times of Atttitude

We are living in times where our attitude determines our altitude.
Increasingly I see people with an attitude of what's in it for me, you want tme to do anything, what do I get in return.
I am not refering to a business where people are paid for what they do. I am refering to people in communities that are not prepared to be part of the solution to sort out problems in their community.
When I look around I see that the altitude of communities, citizens attitude around me is very low, in fact nearly ground level, sadly when they hit the ground they will only relaise what they had.

As people we need to respect each other, that will enable us to love each other and create a hope for the future.
Stop looking inwards and look outwards, what can I do for you, than what is in it for me?

People are governed by the government they allow to govern them. Stand up, be citizens, act like a united nation and think of your children and their children, stop been selfish, you can be the start of the change, look around we are all created in His image.

Rights I believe only come into play once we respect each other. You can make the difference, one pebble at a time it takes to build a wall.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Year End - Admin Overload

Last time I was here I could not believe that it was over a month, now it is the third month since I blogged.

I have looked shocked when my best friend told me that it was in December last just before another new year and promises or life style adjustments are made that I blogged.

I have been doing admin, yes the SARS admin striked and I realised that I need to get my admin on all fronts up to date.

Yeah I did it, just finished last month to discover that the helping hand accountant, tax adviser eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw I had being doing the tax form wrong, he was speechless and then said that I should re-submit as far back as possible and make sure I had all my T's crossed and I's dotted.

His reaction had me feel that if you made a mistake, especially towards the government you would be tried, and hopefully just before you are locked up or fined, it would be realised that you made an honest mistake and your interpretation of the tax form was wrong and that yes, we have laws and rules, but also people behind them with common sense and not just people who say, rules are rules, you must suffer the consequences.

I take heart in my beliefs that all things happen for a reason and it is your chance to go against the tide of negativity and be positive, honest and correct mistakes made once you know you have made them.

It is important to have a schedule, for admin, marketing, time out and work, the saying about working all the time makes you boring is true.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What is new


I looked at the last blog and was shocked to realise that it was 2 months ago since I blogged.

Lots of water has gone under the bridge, I have visted foreign countries, if some only the airport and have spent time with family, long overdue.

We started our travel adventure in the late afternoon and arrived at the final stop the next day after lunch and after checking in went for a stroll. It is a must to travel and learn about other countries and their history.

Sometimes it is good to leave the ruins of old buildings to remind people what was and so hopefully make people appreciate what they have.

Yes I went to the Ferrari Gallery, yes a gallery not a museum and had a great time, a definte must for a petrolhead and people who appreciate the Italian way of expression. Works of art, the cars and engines, always thought of the cars as works of art.

Venice, the place of canals, a definite must, winter the better time to visit, not so crowded and you must loose yourself in Venice, do not follow the tourist route, find the real heart of Venice, meet the locals, a great experience.

Florence, yes the city of art, the buildings, the art work, sculpture's, an amazing place. Be prepared to walk, full days and even after a week, you still realise you have not covered it all.
Did get a leather belt, Florence is know for their leather.

Rome, the main train terminal and then to the airport on the Leonardo Express, coffie and eats, and chocolates, must finish the Euro's.

Back to Dubai, more coffie and another wait, took a stroll around the airport, nice place to hang out in as far as airports go.

Back home, sigh, good to be back, the last new happening is my mother inlaws "new" wheels, the fun ahead to do the paperwork and roadworthy and the interaction with the local municipalaties. Interesting times ahead, gratefull for the experiences had this last year.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Take Control - Get an Attitude

Just over a month since I last blogged. Time does fly.

Plenty has happened since last month. Mostly nothing new with regards people and their value system. Gareth the 5FM person who wrote a letter to the government told the truth, but once again us people who have the access to technology read and agree and wonder who is going to take on the wrongs commited by the people committing them.

As individuals when we look at people committing wrongs, yes those people in your community, those people you see in your wake do you point and grumble or do you wonder if you have the right to point and grumble.

The bible tells us not to judge others, oh yes, take the thick piece of wood out of your eye before you try and take out the splinter in the other person eye.

LeadSA has the right idea, I just hope that everybody in South Africa is prepared to give and receive and with the attitude of how can I make a difference, a great future is in the making.

I am hoping that the mindset or should I say atmosphere of it is my turn now, give, give and give some more, it is my right to be helped, will change, if not then LeadSA and other iniatitives will only influence a few that want to empower themselves and get an attitude of I can make a difference, lets do it.

We are capable of putting this country on the map as a country with people of honour, integrity, respect and belief in each others abilities to make South Africa a community of united people with an attitude of together we can.

So the challenge is, start having a zero tolerance attitude with yourself and people you can influence. Start treating others with respect, honesty and compassion. Start abiding by the laws of the country, yes I can imagine you will feel alone, but with perseverance, passion and stickitivity you can make a difference in your part of the country.

The most testing I believe will be speeding, yes speeding. I have being trying to get used to having people trying to get into my boot or try and squeeze past me, sometimes forcing me of the road, I am not only talking about the taxis, I am talking about every kind of vehicle on our roads.

When last did you try driving the speed limit and not have a motorist get annoyed with you?

Just recently I heard a person explain that they were in the left lane and had speeded up in a sixty zone as they felt pressured to go faster and got a fine. They were most annoyed as the vehicle that was behind them and who they felt had pushed them to drive faster did not get pulled over.

I felt for the person as I have been in situations like that quiet frequently the last few years, especially on Friday or Sunday afternoons when people are leaving for weekends away or returning. and push me to go faster, flash lights and expect me to get out of the way.

Show respect be honest, be wise and manage your time, be real and you will influence people and make a difference.
Take control, get an attitude, lead by example and have a zero tolerance approach to people who do wrong.