
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Flu and cold

I went down with the flu in the cold.
It is that time of year and before I new it I was down with the flu.
I had a runny nose and a husky voice and started the fusions, but the next day I was out, drained of energy and pap.
My bokkie (SA - Babe, Love of life...)looked a bit worried. I was told to stay in bed and yes I did.
The next day was slightly better and was allowed to get up halfway through the day and sit in another room.
My mother in law when phoning asked if I had stayed in bed, when I answered no, was speechless.
The weather has being cold and if we had a fireplace,I am sure we would have snuggled up and watched movies. I was however alone with the woofs, I hauled out the guitar, classic Yamaha and started making music, eina my fingers started to hurt after an hour, so decided to give it a rest.
I then realised the power was back and needed an outing, to the post office I went, no power for 2 hours, Eskom again. When I got back from my outing my nose started running, I blew it and decided to sit back and relax while waiting for my Bokkie to come back from Cape Town.

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