
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Violence - no end

Just come though a long week after finding out that my best friend's son and brother were arrested by the police and assaulted and then, when they arrived at the police station and asked the police for their names and badge numbers, the older brother was assaulted again and the rest of the police appeared to look the other way and after not been able to charge them, they were asked to leave.

According to the police procedure book, if somebody is hurt, the police have to call for medical help, not ask the people they have hurt to leave. Yes I was under the impression that the police are to serve the citizens of a country, not assault them.

Well because of networking, this assault reached the ears of the media and the main police chief who strongly condemned what had happened urged that a charge be laid against the police.

Well the charge has been laid last I was aware, the doctor still needs to be visited to make sure that the injuries will have no long term effect on his health.

Will violence ever stop, if citizens have no respect, the police have no respect and believe they are the law and beyond it, the question to be asked, will violence ever end in society.

People need to know that they are unique and special, all created in God's image but unique , all have our personalities, likes, dislikes, and gifts that were given to us to glorify God.

Until we realise that we are part of a bigger picture and that we need to respect each other for who we are and our cultures and views, then I believe violence in society will end.

We need to realise that we must love one another, that is the greatest command in the bible, once we do, harmony will come about and we will all be set free to make a better society for us all.

Fathers Day - 20th June

Hear, hear for all the fathers in the world.

Are we celebrating the fact that fathers are special or is it another special time been commercialised?

Some fathers do not even know that they are fathers, a shame and yet some are not interested in their children, even more sad.

The bible says that we are all created by a creator, God, who when you read His word we see that He gave His son Jesus because He loves us all, it explains through His love that He is our father, the father of creation.

I am running behind on my blog, but felt it was important that we acknowledge fathers, they are special, created in God's image and also need to be loved, pampered and told they are special, as well as been reminded that the father of creation loves them and they are the beacon to the families they lead, just as God is the light to those who chose to follow Him and believe He is the father of creation.

I read on facebook a daughters love for her father "

In happiness, in sorrow
You were always there for me
I may not have always said it
But, it's the day to say it loud.
'I Love You Dad "

The fathers response to his daughter

"thanks my Girl,will always be there for you while God allows me to be.Because of your love its easy to love you to.If you sow love guess what you reap?Love and miss you stacks Have a great time"

Yep that somes it up, love holds a family together, just as obedience and leadership and encouragement does, Love the most important.

All you fathers out their, young and old, the day 20th June is a celebration to you all, and to God, the father of all creation, everyday is a fathers day.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Soccer World Cup 2010 - South Africa

The WC2010 has arrived in Africa, =================<() Paaaarrpp...

What an awesome moment with the celebrations and the national pride of South Africans.
I thought a second about the rainbow nation statement of 1994, then realised that it is over,in the past, the reality for the future is people respecting each other, showing humilty and love.
We are each unique , created in God's image for His purposes.
Without God man seams to start out meaning well, but then the elements of mans desires take over, man feed's the flesh, and before you know it man is justifying his actions and when on the outside looking in all we see is greed.
Yes even with checks in place, people justify there actions.

A pray I thought is that as the world unites for sport, so the people of God will unite together to show that in God all things are possible and when serving God and ultimately people we find a freddom beyond our wildest dreams. Some times we do not get what we desire as God knows what is best for us.

So all you South Africans, learn the Anthem and lets unite Africa for God from the southern tip to the north. The anthem of the southern tip of Africa is a hym, compiled over a hundred years ago.

We all who claim to be born again Christians, take a moment or a day to make sure you are doing what God created you to be doing, serving people with the gifts He gave you and not serving your own selfish needs.

Our father, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in my life and fellow Christians unite, Thy will be done in Africa and the world. Amen.

Friday, June 4, 2010

In God We Trust

I have been reminded that we can only trust in God. He is our only hope and when we are feeling marooned and our wind has been knocked out by events or circumstances, He is the way forward.

It is time I start putting all my energies into God and take to heart, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in all area's of my life.

Talk is cheap, action is what is needed. It is no good just having faith without action.
We can set goals after goals, have ideas and bright bulb moments, but if we do not action the goals, or bright ideas we are no better than we were.

Yes, it is a step in the right direction to brainstorm and set goals, but if you go no further, you are setting goals to go no further and when you look again you realise why they say that in a graveyard, so many unfufilled dreams and so many bright ideas that were never realised, because no action was taken.

We are creatures of habit, we need love, friends and to be told we are special and make a difference. So from know on I intend to be the difference in people's lives that makes them set goals and action them as well as actioning the bright idea moments.

God did not create rubbish, He sent His son Jesus Christ because He loves us all and that we can furfill the purpose we were created for by the King.

It is up to us, as individuals to decide, do we serve the King of Kings or do we serve our wants and needs. After all, God does know our wants and needs, but the difference is, He knows what is best for us, as He knows the whole picture, while we only see our picture in which we are in.

Faith, action, obedience and God's way, will show you the bigger picture, more exciting, more experiences to have, and all for God's glory and our purpose to be furfilled, the reason we were created.

In God We Trust, there is no other option really.