
Monday, April 26, 2010

Freedom Day - Start or Review - A Free Life

South Africa needs to realise that the only freedom they can have is in Jesus Christ.
We should spend time looking at our goals and noting if they are in line with what God has wants for us.

Do you know how you are wired, that is what you like to do and expect from life, why you are on earth?

When we find the purpose, why we believe we are on earth, we are on the way, even better when God is in the picture.

I am planning to review my goals, my priorities, where I am, am I focused on God, the life I am living , opportunities and realising the abilities God has given me to look at the way forward to a life of more freedom.

The way is forward, the past is behind and the mistakes are to be learned from.
More of God and less of my wants, more freedom, I believe that when I realise that life is about Love, relationships, people then I will have more freedom.
Freedom that it is not about me, but about people, God's people.

God is good, loving, patient and forgiven.

The way forward to freeedom is in living the life God created me for, so a time of reflection, forgiveness, love and time with God.

Freedom comes when you understand you are made in God's image but that you realise it in your heart then you can be free.

Friday, April 23, 2010

South Africa - Needs Respect & Discipline

Walking the streets near and in Greenmarket Square yesterday I realised as I have before that people need to respect each other and they need discipline, boundaries, and love.
Looking at our leaders, elders as examples we are expected to look up to, it is obvious there is no respect for each other or any discipline in our society.
If people had respect, they would do their jobs to the best ability, they would try to understand each others cultures, they would want the best for all.
Sadly my impression is that it is about I, not us and we, and respect and discipline belong's to the past.
I suspect that with respect and discipline, common sense has also been thrown out.

Germany as a nation after World War II united together, respected each other, recognised boundaries and discipline and took 10 years after the war to become an economic powerhouse.

Looking from the side lines, it is a great concern that we are not united as a nation and that leaders and people seem to be determined not to have a united nation.
All races are determined to preserve their own culture and heritage, not realising that working togther as a united nation we can preserve each others culture and heritage, we need to look to the future and not the past.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Goings on in Swartland

My 2nd day in the Swartland office.
Yesterday was spent re-arranging the study space, utilising space more efficiently and must say looks better.
Today I must catch up on typing for the consumer website Thumzup as we will be re launching the site with better options for people to add experiences and google adverts to generate some revenue.
It is an adjustment to be working in the Swartland, quiet and peaceful, and I must discipline myself to work and not spend all the time surfing.