
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What is new


I looked at the last blog and was shocked to realise that it was 2 months ago since I blogged.

Lots of water has gone under the bridge, I have visted foreign countries, if some only the airport and have spent time with family, long overdue.

We started our travel adventure in the late afternoon and arrived at the final stop the next day after lunch and after checking in went for a stroll. It is a must to travel and learn about other countries and their history.

Sometimes it is good to leave the ruins of old buildings to remind people what was and so hopefully make people appreciate what they have.

Yes I went to the Ferrari Gallery, yes a gallery not a museum and had a great time, a definte must for a petrolhead and people who appreciate the Italian way of expression. Works of art, the cars and engines, always thought of the cars as works of art.

Venice, the place of canals, a definite must, winter the better time to visit, not so crowded and you must loose yourself in Venice, do not follow the tourist route, find the real heart of Venice, meet the locals, a great experience.

Florence, yes the city of art, the buildings, the art work, sculpture's, an amazing place. Be prepared to walk, full days and even after a week, you still realise you have not covered it all.
Did get a leather belt, Florence is know for their leather.

Rome, the main train terminal and then to the airport on the Leonardo Express, coffie and eats, and chocolates, must finish the Euro's.

Back to Dubai, more coffie and another wait, took a stroll around the airport, nice place to hang out in as far as airports go.

Back home, sigh, good to be back, the last new happening is my mother inlaws "new" wheels, the fun ahead to do the paperwork and roadworthy and the interaction with the local municipalaties. Interesting times ahead, gratefull for the experiences had this last year.