
Friday, September 17, 2010

People Value - Systems

It is of interest that when I read the letters section in the car magazine that it is always the individuals responsibility when something goes wrong not the dealer or car manufacturer is at fault.

Recently I read about a ex mechanic for a vehicle brand that had trained on fixing this particular brand and had worked on his own car, even though still under warranty and then when trying to raise the point that the fault could be quality of materials, the manufacturer attitude was, you should not have fixed your car, you should have brought it to the dealership and if they found it was a fault they would have repaired it under the warranty. Note if they found it to be a fault they would have repaired it, but if they thought you were at fault you would be billed.

No mention was made about the fact that the person was trained by the manufacturer, had plenty years of experience to repair his own car and they simple ignored the fact that there may be a fault on the spceific vehicle he was driving or that the materials were inferior.

Once again another reader wrote about a manufacturer, dealer that just was not interested in his vehicle problems, was also just brushed of by the manufacturer or dealership.

The point that the individuals where pointing out possible faults, warning the public to be aware was brushed of by the manufacturers implying that the individuals had actually being responsible for the faults.

I reached this conclusion as the manufacturer/ dealership people always refer to warranties and the fact that if their dealership did not address the problem and you out of frustration took the product to a private non dealership it was out of their hands and your problem.

It has just confirmed that the actual products sold in this country are not actually at fault but the material used is not to specification or the required standard, people used to service and repair are actually not fully trained as organisations are only interested in generating money.

Once again the respect of each other and products we supply and service comes into question.
We look at the way motorists drive and treat each other and shake our heads, no respect for each other on the road, when we start to look at other issues we see that respect no longer applies in other areas of our lives and with it integrity, honesty, have all being replaced with status and the ability to shift responsibility onto others.

LeadSA is asking us to put values back into the way we operate, they have a point as the only way change happens is with us as individuals, so as LeadSA wants us to lead by example, lets start with our value system, show respect for each other, show honesty, show integrity in everything we do, everything, no more "white" lies, no more hiding behind warranties, no more passing off problems to individuals and no more attitude of do not take it personally, just business.

If we can change our values, our mindset, then manufacturers, dealerships, organisations, business's will realise that at the end of the day, people need to deal with people and stop hiding behind systems and justifying systems as it is not all about status and things we have accumulated, it is about respect and values for each other.