
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Democracy - Really a Reality

Could not help but take time to comment on what is happening at the moment in the world and mainly in South Africa.

North Korea soccer team did well I thought to be able to come and play in the soccer world cup, but the leaders felt that they had disgraced North Korea and hence appropiate action/punishment needs to be delt out. They are not a democracy and the world can see it.

In South Africa the opposite, the nation was united in "geese" and proud to be called a nation of unity. Then once the hipe was over the reality was once again evident.

In South Africa the ANC led government and their apparent corruption, tender issues and that if you belong to the ANC and have being discriminated against over the last 300 years it is okay to now collect on what your previous forefathers missed out on and as long as you have the right connections you are above reproach.

The fact that the now advantaged because of the ruling ANC led government have being reaping rewards since the 1994 democratic elections and haved failed (no excuses, have heard them all), to deliver to the very people they claimed to have fought for their freedom is why? The ANC led governmnet during the Mandela reign where putting people in place that could, once Mandela was no longer in power, take forward and implement their full blown plans, that is, firstly clearing out the government offices of people they did not believe were deamed fit to work in a ANC led government, then making sure the people, their people are put into place to take control, very quietly mind you. The passing of legislation that is left dormant until the ANC led government needs to use it. In fact if the government or the connected currently priveliged are exposed in the media and the ANC led government realise they have not the legislation in place they take steps to put new legislation in place.

Yes the laws are passed in parliamant. But that is it, the opposition parties can object all they like, the ANC led government has the majority and so the legislation goes through, rather speedily if it is to the benefit of the ANC led government.

From my view point and being made aware because of the current freedom of press, the ANC led government decides what to do, most probably got a list they are working from that was drawn up while they were fighting for "freedom" in those "western and eastern " countries that are now accused of raping Africa of its minerals etc.

To give some positive hope amongst all the above, as far as I am aware, only two organisations that were working well in the government led ANC were the Scorpions and SARS.

Then a famous ANC member from the past in a high position is exposed by the Scorpions.
What happened, the disband of the scorpions, why, because they showed up all the criminals, not just the one's outside of the ANC led government or ANC party and its currently advantaged people of all races. So it had to go, and it went.

SARS has not being disbanded as it is collecting monies for the government coffers, very efficiently I must admit if you are a law abiding citizen and if not, be aware, action plans to catch citizens that are not paying are in place. Not sure if the action plans in place are to catch SARS offenders that include the ruling party members and their connections.

The picture is that the ANC led government is controlled by the ANC party that fought for POWER, not Freedom and to gain acceptance they are masquarading a democracy, look below the covers and you soon realise that it is so. Why the masquarade, well they need the investment from the east, west and the business's people who they need to run the country so as to stay in power.

The majority of South Africans, who it appears have been and are currently being brainwashed into believing that the government has not delivered is because of the small minority who control the finances of the country need to wake up. We are in a modern global world and to survive, need to take responsibility for the country of our birth as well as taking the current government to task for not delivering on promises, but delivering on excuses and making sure millions are spent on discimimating against the opposition parties and the minority.

The sad thing is that the ANC led government is supported by the ANC party whose majority of people actually believed in a South Africa for all, it is the minority I believe that want power. The Communist and labour union that form part of the governmnet have shown that the minority in their ranks are in bed with the minority of the ANC led party and they control the country we live in.

So is democracy a reality in the world, well only if the people in countries with the processes in place stay informed and vote with their heads and not their loyality to a party will democracy become a reality, especially in South Africa.

In closing one of the the ANC party members remarked, I believe it was Mr. Zuma that they will be in power till Jesus comes back, Mr Zuma, it may be sooner than you realise and what a horrifying moment that it will be for some that do not believe in the coming of Jesus and what a moment of awe for those that believe in the coming of Jesus.